semua x.............
ketemu gi ma aq....
the sweetest girl all over the world............
i never wanna say goodbye..
cos i never wanna see you cry....
i swear to you my love would remain...
kira2 begitu lh yg pengen aq sampein...
i never wannna say goodbye to you all...
by the way..
skrg aq mau nulis artikel about..'angel'...
knp aq mo nulis ttg ini....
krn aq suka bgt ma angel...
ga tau knp...
di lg westlife, bxk bgt nm angel di sebut....
ini dia nih di antara x....
i believe in angels....
something good in everything i see,,,,
i believe in angels...
when i know the time is right for me...
i'll cross the stream..
i have a dream...
tuh.. lg i have a dream...
lg westlife yg plg terkenal...
kt x mereka percaya ma malaikat..
sesuatu bagus utk dilihat,,,
tmbh mupeng deh....
angel tuh.. biasa x kan px sayap, lucu, imut.. dan nolong smua org....
sm ky aq yg pengen jd malaikat bwt westlife....
ntar aja ya q lanjutin..
bryan calling aq...
ga deng, mo main games dulu, oce?
see ya....
Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008
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